About Us

The Doolittle Institute (DI) was established in 2012 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit within the Defensewerx ecosystem. DI provides services under a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) to support the Air Force Research Lab Munitions Directorate (AFRL/RW) in developing and executing its technology transfer strategy.

We facilitate partnerships that drive the transfer of technology between the Lab, businesses, and academia, with a focus on engaging small, nontraditional businesses. Additionally, DI’s STEM outreach programs help meet AFRL/RW’s future workforce needs by fostering today’s students into tomorrow’s STEM professionals.

Technology Transfer vs. Technology Transition


PIA’s facilitate technology transfer from the federal labs to industry in academia.


PIA’s facilitate technology transition to the federal labs from industry in academia.

Doolittle institute STEM outreach logo stacked

Our History

Honoring the Doolittle name by supporting new technology and innovation, DI provides Technology Transition (T2) and STEM Outreach services through a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) between DEFENSEWERX and the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate (AFRL/RW). Partnership Intermediary Agreements, otherwise known as “PIAs”, are agreements between the federal government and an intermediary organization, such as state and/or local governmental agencies and nonprofit entities. Their long-term partnership enables public-private partnerships that solely provide technology transfer and/or transition services.

PIAs operate to increase the likelihood of success in the conduct of cooperative or joint activities with small business firms and educational institutions that need technology-related assistance from a federal laboratory. This encourages national economic growth through T2 and the commercialization of technology developed in the federal labs.

There are two requirements for using PIAs:

  1. The transfer/transition partner must be an industry or academic institution.
  2. The effort must be a technology transfer and/or transition activity. In addition, the activity must align with the services provided under the scope of the PIA.