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Ordnance Concepts Industry Day

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The Air Force Research Lab Munitions Directorate (AFRL/RW) Ordnance Branch, in collaboration with the Doolittle Institute and AFLCMC/EB, is hosting an Industry Day to explore partnership opportunities for transitioning an Advanced Additive Manufactured Ordnance with Universal Fuzing Concepts into production. This event is designed to engage small businesses, industry partners, and SMEs who are interested in supporting the development of systems that meet the evolving needs of AFLCMC/EB. 


It will showcase the preliminary technical design of the Blast-effect Additive eNabled Technology for Advanced Munitions (BANTAM) Ordnance system, which features a universal fuzing architecture. We are actively seeking industry stakeholders and subject matter experts in ordnance systems to collaborate on the next stages of development, testing, prototyping, and manufacturing. 

Participants will gain valuable insights into AFRL/RW’s latest innovations and have the chance to partner in the commercialization and production of novel warhead and fuze system concepts. These concepts align with emerging AFLCMC/EB requirements, providing a pathway for industry partners to engage in high-impact projects with the potential for future opportunities. 

Date: 16-17 October 2024 


This event will be hybrid, allowing for both in-person and virtual participants.  

The morning session will include presentations by government representatives, who will provide technical and programmatic insights into the BANTAM system, covering key components such as warheads, explosives, and fuzes. Additionally, potential partnership opportunities within AFLCMC/EB programs will be highlighted. 

In the afternoon and on the second day (as necessary), there will be invite-only one-on-one meetings with companies to discuss potential collaborations in more detail. Please identify if you are interested in one-on-one meeting when registering. Companies with the capability and interest in fuze, explosive, warhead production, ordnance integration, or integrated munition system production are strongly encouraged to attend. Follow-up discussions and opportunities for ongoing collaboration will continue beyond the event. 

Who Should Attend:  

  • Small businesses and industry partners with experience in ordnance systems and manufacturing. 
  • Companies interested in transitioning advanced munitions technology into production. 
  • SMEs looking for collaboration opportunities in fuze, warhead, and explosive system development. 

Attendance at this event is limited, and interested parties are required to submit a request to attend via the following link: 

Those selected to attend will be notified no later than October 10, 2024, and we recommend not making travel plans until you receive notification that your attendance is approved. 

For questions please reach out to