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Research Area 15: Modular Open Systems Research

Modular and open systems are an important element to obtaining faster and cheaper solutions empowering programs with the use of competition throughout the lifecycle of a system. Modular Open Systems Approach language has been incorporated into statues as of the 2017 NDAA (10 U.S.C. §2446a). We are looking for modular and open solutions for munition systems. Solutions are needed to handle hardware and software design that promotes modularity and provides the necessary data rights to enable competition for 23 modular components. Technologies and processes to enable severability of a system with respect to hardware and software, identification of data required to allow interoperation of hardware and software, and strategies to verify acquisition is adequate for future competition are highly desired. Modular Open Architecture synergizes well with model-based systems engineering (MBSE)/digital engineering (DE) concepts to employ a unified method of documentation that can inform all designers of a system when a requirement or design change occurs.

Current interest and research activities include:

  • Weapons Open System Architecture (WOSA).
  • Docker in an embedded environment.
  • Kubernetes in an embedded environment.
  • Open Seeker Architecture (OSA)
  • Strategies to verify open architecture and modularity requirements
  • MBSE development of system architectures (e.g., SysML, Cameo, Enterprise Architect)

Keywords: Modular Open Architecture (MOA); SysML; Cameo; Enterprise; Open System Architecture; Kubernetes, OSA; Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE); Digital Engineering (DE).